Science is cool
We are a science loving family. Big time. Everything is a potential science experiment. I mean EVERYTHING. (PGP lives here after all.) So there was much excitement when Finn’s kindergarten teacher sent out a letter saying they were having a Science Fair. Love it! It’s never to early to start getting your science on.
Finny P loved the whole process and was SO into it. Peter, of course, the ultimate science fair pro, having done a trillion, was the master. (Honestly, I don’t think I have ever done one. Ever.) There was lots of hypothesizing and analyzing. As well as lots of creative juices involved in making the poster.
(note: He wanted to put the “6” next to his name so people would know he is 6 years old. It took everything I had not to object and rip it off and freak out and take control of the entire project. (exhale) BUT, I didn’t and it turned out exactly as it should. He was so proud explaining his experiment to everyone. (He made little tin foil boats in various shapes and then tested to see how many pennies each one could hold. Groundbreaking stuff.)
I watched Peter at the Science Fair today and smiled from afar. He went up to each child and asked what they learned from their experiment. He asked questions, was genuinely interested, and listened patiently as these 5 and 6 year olds rattled off what they learned. It was terribly sweet and a lovely reminder of why I love him so.
Here’s to many more Science Fairs!
This is the sweetest post- Finn looks so grown up in front of his poster board! I love the early intro to science and can't wait for Hattie to start learning more (because when she grows up she says she's coming to work with me and 'do science stuff all day long').
Miss you!
Amy, the proud science nerd. :)
Super cute story. I love that your son wanted to put the 6 next to his name!! It's perfect.
So finntastic!
Science Stud. Love it. He'll be the most handsome science nerd, that's for sure!
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