Let's start from the very beginning, a very good place to start

So, it's a dreary Seattle-ish afternoon and I've reverted to Seattle behavior. The 3 o'clock coffee run. I don't know why I bother because it doesn't do anything for my energy level but it does score high on the coziness scale. Plus, I got one for Peter too so bonus points for kissing husband ass.

Finn started a new Montessori school a few weeks ago and it rules. I want to send these people flowers. Everyday. They get my blue eyed boy and they revel in his brilliance and charm. (In this sentence "charm" means mischievious energetic BURSTS!) I'm sure they think I'm a freak because I'm teary eyed when I drop him off and pick him up. You would be too if the little being who came from your body turns to you when you pick him up from school and says 'THAT was AWESOME!"

I can die now. Well, not just yet.

Finn's playlist on the iPod lately consists of: Do-Re-Mi from The Sound of Music, Rocking Around the Christmas Tree - Hannah Montana and I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry. He knows all the words to all three songs and just flips back and forth between them. He likes to watch himself and over enunciate to see how his mouth looks. I try desperately not to laugh. He's very soulful about the whole thing.

Sadly, I think my rare bird is regretting chopping her hair. The bastards got her down. I've been trying to put a femme spin on the whole thing (lots of fussing with it in the morning) and keep the adoration level really high. We went and got mani/pedis yesterday together which she loved. This place has KID pedicure chairs. They're shaped like huge animals and have mini DVDs attached to them. Brilliant.

I recently reconnected with a girl (I know we're women now, I still say girl. suck it.) who I went to elementary school with and high school. We reconnected via Facebook and come to find out we both have lupus. What. Are. The. Odds?

We met up and it was so refreshing to finally not be the only one in the room who knows how I feel. My friend Aimee lives in CA and knowing that she understands is really comforting but to be sitting across from someone comparing notes is just sort of indescribable. She kept using really fantastic metaphors for how she felt and I knew EXACTLY what she was talking about. (Felt like you had been dragged by a train for a few miles? DING DING DING! I know that feeling!!!! ...funny to be excited about something like that.) I can't even accurately describe how connecting with her made me feel. More than anything I was glad to help someone navigate the choppy waters of being newly diagnosed. To tell her that she'll be ok. To advise that she stop reading the crazy psychos who post on Lupus websites. To be good to herself.

I know you said I helped you, K. But you have to know how much you have helped me too.

I'm taking myself to see The Reader tonight. Haven't seen it yet (shock) and I want to experience it in the theater. As Meg says "Everything's better in the theater."


Amanda Savage | April 17, 2009 at 1:10 PM

I am so happy you left directions for you new home! I seriously love the guilty pleasure of letting my concentration stray from work and checking out the world according to you.

Sheri Nugent | April 18, 2009 at 11:08 AM

Emily - I love the new blog. The design is fantastic. Hey, I was in Denver about a month ago for a week... and I nearly contacted you to see if you wanted to meet for a drink and actually MEET. But, thanks to your blog, I knew that was the week you were really sick. So blogs are very useful... and next time I'm in Denver, maybe we'll have that drink.

Anyway - love your blog... it's on my list of ones to read everyday.

Sheri (Taylor's Aunt)

Anonymous | April 18, 2009 at 2:11 PM

Thanks Emily, I feel so honored to have made a cameo in your blog :) Your graceful example and soothing advice shows me that everything will work out. You are amazing!