
Finn’s Obsessions


The TV show, Wipeout, on ABC. It is a little boy’s dream show. It’s a crazy obstacle course. One of the courses is called “Big Balls.” For reals. If that doesn’t leave a boy in fits of laughter for 20 minutes, I don’t know what will. (full disclosure: It makes me laugh too. The hosts nickname everyone and one guy was called “Moobs” because he wanted to win the game and get breast reduction surgery. HI-larious. Every single time they called him “Moobs.”)


The book, Meanwhile: Pick Any Path. 3,856 Story Possibilities, by Jason Shiga. Finn carries it around. It’s like a cooler version of “Choose Your Own Adventure.” And I’m down with anything that gets him excited about reading. Plus, it’s insanely well done.


Slurpees. Every day he says “Mom, don’t you think today would be a good day for a Slurpee? Tastes so good on a hot hot day, don’t you think? Mom?” Indeed.


Unknown | July 26, 2010 at 7:32 PM

Love this! What a wonderful glimpse into the world of your little guy.

Emily | July 26, 2010 at 8:43 PM

I could see Julien digging that "Meanwhile" book, Michelle. It really is so cool. Supremely creative and fantastically graphic is a can't miss.