Be Still My Beating Heart

Lots going on with my busy heart.

It swells with pride and joy one day at my blue eyed devils, who are so excited for our vacation this week that they leave bits of excitement and delight in their wake. (Sayulita, baby!)

It soars and gets bigger at the magical news of a friend.

It sinks the next with the devastating news from another.

In all three cases, I feel it in my gut, on my skin, in the flush on my face and in my heart.

So many ups and downs in life, sometimes in one day.

It’s hard to catch your breath.

But you do.

Been thinking a lot about my Dad lately too. Not in a melancholy way at all. Well, perhaps a little. The RMP piece of my heart will always be missing. But more in a “what he left behind” kind of way. In a way that makes me smile and feel so grateful for the time that I did have with him.

He left me loving and participating in life, laughing at little ridiculous things, being good to other people, trying to be interested and interesting, and always “checking my equipment.” He also left me an endless mental catalogue of “his music.” (Mario Lanza anyone?)

So, I’m pensive today, thinking about so much.

And sending out my most genuine, heartfelt love to anyone and everyone who needs it.


Sheri Nugent | January 13, 2011 at 7:40 PM

I need it. Thanks, Emily. Back at ya.

Mailornish | February 16, 2011 at 10:47 PM

What a sweet post.