Weekend Loves

I sit here uncomfortable but sort of amused because I hurt my right boob/implant passionately playing the Wii with Finn.

It’s funny, right?

But, Ow. IT HURTS.

Let’s get on with some delicious bits from this week:


- Le Love – go lose yourself in this blog for a while (the above image is the blog banner – I LOVE IT. How cute is that pic? It is inspiring me to be more loving and spontaneous) The writing is beautiful and thoughtful. 

- When cars flash their lights to warn you that a cop is up ahead. It gives me a little thrill and sometimes I flash my lights back as if to say “10-4, good buddy”. Makes me feel like I’m part of something. It happened early this week and I waved too. Goob.

- Cadbury Mini Eggs arriving in the grocery stores for Easter. Yum.

- Hanging out with this girl on Thursday eve at her fabulous house and meeting her delightful friends, hugging the birthday ELK tight and noshing on goodies.

- Entertainment Weekly arriving in my mailbox every Saturday like clockwork. It’s crack for this pop culture obsessed girl. .

- Looking at pictures of my people when they were babies. Life was so different then. Not easier, just different. I find it helps me be a better mama to look back and remember. Plus, they’re really friggin cute and I smile remembering that Peter and I made two delicious human cupcakes!

f&h Seattle 162


- Perusing photos on The Selby. I could get lost here for hours. The photos are fantastic. The one below of artist Meryl Smith’s home kept me transfixed for a while just checking everything out. I have a love of framed bugs. (Even though the clutter makes me anxious) Also, mark my words, Hadley’s house will be like this when she has one. Animals? Check. Artistically brilliant? Check. Unique? Check. Chaos? Check. Genius? Absolutely.


And Sally Stringer of Vogue in her NYC apartment. Delicious Whimsy. Be sure to read the Q&A at the end of each photo shoot too. Very interesting.


- Eating cold vanilla frosting straight from the tub while watching Big Love. Hello decadence.

- 100 Skills Everyone Should Master from Mighty Girl definitely speaks to my love of lists but I also really liked the content.  I sailed through most of it smiling because I have done them or could do them but stopped cold at #65.

Deliver a Eulogy.

That was one that I would have been really happy to have not done. However, I re-read the eulogy that A,M,N and I wrote for Dad from time to time and am always proud of what we wrote and delivered.

Here’s hoping your weekend was everything you hoped it would be and more.


Confessions of a Mother, Lawyer & Crazy Woman | January 31, 2010 at 10:50 PM

OH MY GOD are your kids cute!!! Seriously, seriously, painfully cute. The last picture of the two of them - are you kidding me?!

Kate | February 6, 2010 at 9:52 PM

The eulogy was the best I've ever heard. B and I came out from Kansas City for the service. You may remember that B's dad died the year before the big Alaska trip, and Roger's interest in their trip meant the world to Brian. Roger became a role model for Brian that year. Your dad (and mom, of course) made four of the best human cupcakes when they had you guys.

A big fan of the Paddens,
